Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Dear John(s),

I've really learned my lesson this time.

I wanted to trust you. I wanted to believe that you wouldn't ever compromise my happiness for your own selfish desires. I gave you the unwavering benefit of the doubt despite that ever morsel of my intuition was pointing in the other direction. I realize now that I've been really blind. I don't know how I ever thought that you were over it and that somehow this would never be an issue. Well, I was wrong. I was really wrong. And you want to know what's worse? I think you were even more delusional than I was. You were manipulative without even knowing it. To think about all the things you said, and more importantly did not say, when he talked to you about this. You couldn't just have asked to not be part of it like you did with me. Intentional or not, it's irrelevant.

And the sad truth is that now you've lost my trust, and what the hell is friendship without trust? It's nothing, it's a broken shadow, it's fake smiles, it's sleeping with one eye open. I can't do that. I won't.

You both are going to realize that you each of you made some pretty selfish decisions, and it'll be too late. You can have each other.

I'm gone, but I will always always land on my feet.

This is the last time I am blind.

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